Introduction to Spatial Analysis
Day 5 - Applications
Jonathan Phillips
January, 2019
Political Science and Spatial Analysis
- Combining the methods we have learned helps you answer new research questions:
- Access/Build a spatial dataset
- Conduct spatial operations to combine data
- Measure spatial relationships
Political Science and Spatial Analysis
- Describing spatial location/shape
- Identifying Clustering
- Correlating Spatial Relationships
- Bivariate Moran’s I, Spatial regression
- The Effects of Borders
- Geographic Regression Discontinuity
- Geographers are in high demand in Washington DC
- Politicians try to “pick their electorates”
- Changing the shape of district boundaries to maximize their chance of re-election
- Taking advantage of the fact that most votes are ‘wasted’
- “Packing” and “Cracking”
- Packing your opponents into one district: They only get one seat
- Cracking your opponents to divide them into multiple districts: No chance of any seats
- Easier when politicians control the redistricting process
- When partisan voters are easily identified by race (a census variable)
- When voters are clustered: They pack and crack themselves, eg. black voters in the USA (Chen and Rodden 2010)
- And because there is no ‘correct’ district shape: All maps have partisan effects
- Measuring Gerymandering
- State constitutions: “Districts shall be compact…”
- Efficiently taking up space: the most compact shape is a circle
- More than 30 measures of compactness!
- One compactness test: Polsby-Popper
- 0 = Low compactness
- 1 = High compactness (a circle)
\[PP = \frac{4 \pi Area}{Perimeter^2}\]
- Gerrymandering was becoming less frequent, but got worse since the 1970s
- The Efficiency Gap is another (non-spatial) test
- How many votes did each party waste?
- Sum each party’s votes in losing districts plus votes above 50% in winning districts
- Find the difference between parties
- We can also create lots of random maps and measure bias
- Then compare: How extreme is reality?
Spatial Correlations
- Moran’s I helped us measure the clustering of a variable with itself
- If income is high in unit \(i\), is income also high in the neighbours of \(i\)?
- But political science questions are often about the relationship between variables
- If income is high in unit \(i\), is crime also high in the neighbours of \(i\)?
Spatial Correlations
Spatial Correlations
Spatial Correlations
- Spatial econometrics is often the ‘right’ way to deal with these questions
- A model of the relationship, not just a descriptive statistic
- Requires more assumptions
- But allows for control variables
- Normal regression is no good
- Assumes no spatial autocorrelation
- We need to model the spatial autocorrelation so it doesn’t affect our standard errors
Border Effects
- How much do spatial patterns change at a border?
- How can we measure this statistically?
- A Geographic Regression Discontinuity Design (GRD)
- People who live on one side of a border are usually very similar to those on the other side
- On income, race, culture, history etc.
- They are just governed by different people/policies
- We can use this to compare and make causal claims
Border Effects
- For example:
- The effect of the Habsburg Empire on voting today
- The effect of the Peruvian ‘Mita’ on education
- The effect of media markets on political attitudes
Border Effects
- Do political adverts change voter turnout?
Border Effects
- Nightlights on the Ukraine-Romania (Pinkovskiy 2013)
Border Effects
- Borders within Switzerland divide language speakers:
Border Effects
- Bihar-Jharkhand Border and Trust in the Civil Service:
Border Effects
\[y_i = \alpha + \beta \text{Border}_i + \gamma \text{Distance to Border}_i + \epsilon_i\]
- We care about the direction and significance of \(\beta\)
- The effect of the border after controlling for gradual changes across space
Border Effects
- Alternative Regression estimate:
\[y_i = \alpha + \beta Border_i + f(x + y + x^2 + y^2 + x^3 + y^3 + x^4 + y^4 + \\ x * y
+ x^2 * y^2 + x^3 * y^3 + x * y^2 + x * y^3 + x^2 * y + x^3 * y)) + \epsilon_i\]
- We care about the direction and significance of \(\beta\)
- The effect of the border after controlling for gradual changes across space
Border Effects
- But remember to ask: why is the border located there?
- Are people actually the same either side of the border? (Balance test)
- And can’t people migrate?
- Spatial analysis is about ‘nearer’ things being more ‘related’
- Use consistent, appropriate coordinate reference systems!
- Spatial operations allow you to create new variables and measures
- Spatial autocorrelation as a threat vs. an opportunity
- Scale affects our results (eg. MAUP), so try and analyze at lets of scales
- Maps mislead; understand your data!