
  1. Lecture
  2. Demonstration of using QGIS for Spatial Operations
  3. Demonstration of using R for Spatial Operations


Your task in the lab sessions is to produce TWO outputs answering the same questions:

  1. From your analysis in QGIS, a Word document containing the answers to the questions below, including any maps pasted as images.
  2. From your analysis in R, A HTML document produced directly from your analysis.

Lab Questions:

  1. Produce a map showing the centroids of each municipality in just the state of Säo Paulo, and add the outer boundary of Säo Paulo state.
  2. What is the mean Human Development Index of municipalities in each state of Brazil?
  3. Produce a polygon/shapefile mapping the area of the municipality ‘Gaucha do Norte’ that is in the indigenous territory “Parque do Xingu”.
  4. In the state of Acre (AC), which two social housing (MCMV) projects are closest to each other? Create a 20km buffer around each housing project.
  5. Across Brazil, which municipality has the highest number of MCMV housing units (UH) in its territory? Create a map of the distribution of total housing units by municipality.

Brazilian Municipalities
Indigenous Groups

Step-by-Step Guide to Lab Analysis in QGIS

Step-by-Step Guide to Lab Analysis in R