- Lecture
- Demonstration of using QGIS for Spatial Operations
- Demonstration of using R for Spatial Operations
Your task in the lab sessions is to produce TWO outputs answering the same questions:
- From your analysis in QGIS, a Word document containing the answers to the questions below, including any maps pasted as images.
- From your analysis in R, A HTML document produced directly from your analysis.
Lab Questions:
- Produce a map showing the centroids of each municipality in just the state of Säo Paulo, and add the outer boundary of Säo Paulo state.
- What is the mean Human Development Index of municipalities in each state of Brazil?
- Produce a polygon/shapefile mapping the area of the municipality ‘Gaucha do Norte’ that is in the indigenous territory “Parque do Xingu”.
- In the state of Acre (AC), which two social housing (MCMV) projects are closest to each other? Create a 20km buffer around each housing project.
- Across Brazil, which municipality has the highest number of MCMV housing units (UH) in its territory? Create a map of the distribution of total housing units by municipality.
Brazilian Municipalities
Indigenous Groups
Step-by-Step Guide to Lab Analysis in QGIS
Step-by-Step Guide to Lab Analysis in R