- Lecture
- Demonstration of using QGIS for Raster Data
- Demonstration of using R for Raster Data
Your task in the lab sessions is to produce TWO outputs answering the same questions:
- From your analysis in QGIS, a Word document containing the answers to the questions below, including any maps pasted as images.
- From your analysis in R, A HTML document produced directly from your analysis.
Lab Questions:
- Produce two new raster files of population density that are limited to only Brazil’s territory (one for 1960, one for 2000).
- Produce a new map of how the distribution of Brazil’s population has changed over the last 50 years.
- Which municipalities have seen the greatest increases in mean population density between 1960 and 2000?
Files: Population Density 2000
Population Density 1960
Brazil Outline
Brazilian Municipalities