Where to download the programs

  1. R choose your country mirror;
  2. RStudio (it doesn’t work if R is not installed on your computer)
  3. Miktek for Latex (Use the ‘Complete’ Net Installer) - if you want to create PDFs from R Markdown and not just HTML
  4. QGIS
  5. Geoda
  6. Google Earth Pro

Spatial Brazilian Data Sources

  1. IBGE geoftp
  2. geosampa: for data from São Paulo city
  3. data.rio: for data for Rio de Janeiro city
  4. ESIG - Recife: georreferencing information from Recife (PE)
  5. Center for Metropolitan Studies (FFLCH - USP): an institution for advanced research in social sciences that investigates themes on the subject of inequalities and the formulation of public policies in contemporary metropolises;
  6. Geological Survey of Brazil: many raster data
  7. Meteorological National Institute:

Global Spatial Data Sources

  1. GADM Administrative Boundaries
  2. Wikipedia Spatial Sources
  3. Harvard Geospatial Library
  4. US Spatial Data
  5. EU Data

Raster Data

  1. SRTM Altitude Data
  2. Landsat Data
  3. NOAA Nightlights Data
  4. Google Earth Engine
  5. Collect Earth


  1. Create a points shapefile from a delimited files with longitude and latitude variables.

points <- read_csv("points.csv") %>% 
  1. Automatically download data from any link
#choose website frm where you want to download data from
#ftp = "ftp://geoftp.ibge.gov.br/organizacao_do_territorio/malhas_territoriais/malhas_municipais/municipio_2010/"

#choose sulffix for the link
#to understand what is happening, try to run this link:
# ftp://geoftp.ibge.gov.br/organizacao_do_territorio/malhas_territoriais/malhas_municipais/municipio_2010/ac
#estados <- c("ac", "al", "am", "ap", "ba", "ce", "df", "es", "go", "ma", "mg", 
#             "ms", "mt", "pa", "pb", "pe", "pi", "pr", "rj", "rn", "ro", "rr", 
#             "rs", "sc", "se", "sp", "to")
#for (e in estados){
#    download.file(paste0(ftp,e,"/", e, "_municipios.zip"),paste0(e,"_municipios.zip"))
#for (e in estados){
#  unzip(paste0(dldir, e,"_municipios.zip"))

#files where saved to your wor