- Lecture
- Demonstration of using QGIS and Geoda for Political Science Applications
- Demonstration of using R for Political Science Applications
Your task in the lab sessions is to produce TWO outputs answering the same questions:
- From your analysis in QGIS, a Word document containing the answers to the questions below, including any maps pasted as images.
- From your analysis in R, A HTML document produced directly from your analysis.
Lab Questions:
- [QGIS+R] Which Brazilian state is the most compact according to the Polsby-Popper Test? Which is the least compact?
- [GEODA] What is the Bivariate Moran’s I between Voting (Pct_Votes) and Income (PIB_PER) in Brazilian municipalities?
- [R] Is the population density higher on the Brazil side of the international border with other Latin American countries?
Brazilian states
Brazilian Municipality Income and Voting
Population Density at Random Points within 20km of Brazil’s Border
Brazil Border Inland